Remember to study

OK. So “we” have established that I won’t stop writing anytime soon. I have to keep my brain going somehow.

I need to be doing some research for a few things, that’s certain. I’m trying to do that more, but it isn’t easy to stop doing the “fun part” and study like I’m back in the 10th grade.

Granted, I’d know more about real life as well as things for writing if I studied. But studying mostly ends with me wanting to throw my computer out the window. Not just from my being frustrated, either. It’s also because my memory–if you can call it that—is so bad that actually remembering what I’ve studied is nearly impossible.

But more and more often I realize that studying could be more helpful than I think it will. Like in school, where I just got by. I don’t know how I graduated, honestly. It was hard, to be sure. And while I did study there–a lot, if you ask me–I still barely sustained a passing grade. The Lord has blessed me immensely, in spite of myself.


  1. Hey K, K here, awesome that you wrote a blog post ๐Ÿ˜€
    Yes God does LOTS with us in spite of ourselves ๐Ÿ˜€
    God bless you sistah!

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